undesired groups

In the past we had various damages and some thefts from some of the groups but we do not want to have to deprive all the other groups of the use of the house for guilt of some that behaved incorrectly.
Therefore we decided to publish the directory of the groups that we do not wish anymore to accommodate in our house giving also the motivation so that also others that gives in use their own houses can take count of these groups without to deny to others the possibility to find hospitality.

directory of the undesired groups

Group Reason
Young people of the parish of Manesseno
  • lost the key and left opened the house after leaving
  • communicated the fact 10 days after only because searched
  • delivered the money only after being searched many times
  • consumed all the firewood of the house without getting or paying it back
  • a window has been left open
Scout Group Genova 21 Proxima Antares Unit
  • consumed much firewood taken from the property (tables and log) instead of getting it otherwise
  • loaded the fireplace in excessive way having a thick smoke layer deposited on the glasses of the fireplace
  • dismounting the closure of the fireplace of the fireplace making to fall the flange
  • entered inside the private part of the property without authorization
  • dismounted the stairs in the dormitories
  • destroyed a wall thermometer in the dormitories
  • forgotten to read the gas count at the arrival and the departure
  • destroyed a cage trap
  • not answered to the four tries of communication we did
Parish of S. Nicola di Tolentino
  • withheld 25 euro from the due asserting to have made the cleaning that they had not found at their arrival, despite the next group heavily complained for the dirt found
  • dealt with the owners of the house as fraudsters for the conditions under which they found the house
Parish of S. Maria della Castagna
  • used the fireplace while failing to pay heating costs
  • damaged the structure of the fireplace making a fire too strong
  • left offensive comments against owners of the house, accusing them of wanting to defraud people
  • left the house completely in disorder and partly also dirty
  • created problems at the moment of the delivery and the withdrawal of the keys

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