
Curriculum Vitae et Studiorum of


SIT GIS - Computers and space


Professional characteristics



Scientific and didactic assignments


Professional jobs


Curriculum Vitae et Studiorum of CARLO SCHENONE

Born in Genoa (I) the 10 June 1958.

He can write and read in English and French.

Professional characteristics

The acquired professional competencies derive from the union of various experiences that have been developed and integrated during the time. A first specialisation, nearly pioneering, in the fields of open operating systems and of their use in integrated departmental contexts, was joined to experiences of co-ordination of work groups and technical supervision in the development of systems (for the management of local nets, office automation, control of processes, knowledge representation and the semantic treatment of the formalisms) also within European projects. This was the base for the didactic experience in technical schools and universities from the topics of computer science and the tied scientific research to the topics of office automation and above all of Geographic Information Systems. After the attainment of the PhD in France with a thesis on Intelligent Geographic Information Systems the professional activity integrated the different experiences into a more specialised level within the study, the instruction, the advising in the planning and the development of applications concerning the planning and management of services and functions distributed also on wide regions.

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He get the title of Diploma at the State scientific grammar school "E Fermi" of Genoa with the voting of 58/60, following a course of programming for microcomputer in July 1977.

Inscribed to the course of bachelor in Computer Sciences of Pisa, has achieved the following voting in thirtieth in the following examinations: Geometry (28), Algebra (27), Theory and Applications of Computing Machines (30 cum laude), Mathematical Analysis I (30 cum laude), Physics I (25), Systems for Information Processing I (30 cum laude), Numerical Computation (29), Operational research (28), Probabilities Computation and Statistics (30 cum laude), Mathematical Analysis II (26), Simulation (29), Systems for Information Processing II (30), Physics II (18), Digital Systems Design (30), Methods for the Information Treatment (27), Formal languages and Compilers (30), Non numerical Information Treatment (29), Automatic Documentation (30).

During his university studies he realised the following projects:

For the course of Theory and Applications of Computing Machines: program for the search of the minimal exiting path in a maze in Algol W.

For the course of Numerical Computation: program for the automatic search of intersections between functions and the solution of linear systems in Algol W.

For the course of Systems for Information Processing II: scheduler with variable policy for an experimental operating system in Assembler IBM 370.

For the course of Digital Systems Design: design of microprogrammed unit for the translation of addresses for a multiprocessor.

For the course of Simulation: program for the simulation of a "multiprocessor ring" and for the analysis of the result of the simulation in Simula. Program for the generation of pseudo random numbers in Fortran.

For the course of Methods for the Information Treatment: interpreter for the evaluation of Lambda-I calculus expressions in Lisp.

For the course of Automatic Documentation: design of the conceptual schema of a data base for the management of marine traffic.

He followed the course "Knowledge Bases: methods and systems" held at the Institute of Analysis of Systems and Computer Science of the National Research Council of Rome in April 1986.

He followed the adjournment course "Electronics II" organised by the Regional Research Institute, Educational Experimentation and Modernisation of Liguria in October 1986.

He followed the course "Systèmes d' Information Urbains Multimédia" organised by COMETT URSA-NET and held in Lyon (f) near at the Institut National des Sciences Appliquées (INSA) in November 1989.

He followed the course "Architectures and products for Network Management" at the Center for Computer science Technologies C. Ghiglieno of Ivrea in April 1990.

He followed the course of the Universitè d'Eté CIRILLE (Centre Inter-établissement de Recherche en Informatique et Logique de Lyon et St.Etienne) "Méthodes de Raisonnement en Intelligence Artificielle" at the Institut National des Sciences Appliquées (INSA) of Lyon (F) in May 1990.

He followed the adjournment course for teachers on "C++" organised by the Regional Research Institute, Educational Experimentation and Modernisation of Liguria in April 1999.

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He won a Scholarship for graduating students of the duration of a year offered by the National Research Council in 1981.

He graduated the 16 July 1982 at the Computer Sciences faculty of the University of Pisa with the voting of 110/110 and praise with a thesis that was titled: Programming by examples in concurrent environments.

On proposal of the thesis reporter prof. C. Montangero, he obtained the prolongation of the scholarship of the National Research Council until the completion of the year.

He is qualified as teacher for the matter of Managerial Computer science in public high schools with the voting of 78/80.

He is qualified as teacher for the matter of Industrial Computer science in public high schools with the voting of 66/80.

He turned out as suitable in a competition to Professional Technical Collaborator of the National Research Council with 221/270 points at the Institute for the Applied Mathematics of Genoa in 1989.

He has been admitted for his titles to the course for the diploma of doctorate in the speciality of "Ingénierie informatique" at the Institut National des Sciences Appliquées (INSA) of Lyon (F) from year 1989/90.

He gained a scholarship to follow the course of the Universitiè d'Eté CIRILLE (Centre Inter-établissement de Recherche en Informatique et Logique de Lyon et St.Etienne) "Méthodes de Raisonnement en Intelligence Artificielle" at the Institut National des Sciences Appliquées (INSA) of Lyon (F) in May 1990.

He won a scholarship lasting three months offered by the Committee COMETT/URSA-NET for exchange of researchers between countries of the European Community, to carry out a study at the Institut National des Sciences Appliquées (INSA) of Lyon (F) in July 1990.

He achieved the Diploma of European Doctorate with the judgement "très honorable" with a thesis that was titled "Représentation des connaissances pour la mise à jour automatique des systèmes d'information géographique par photos aériennes" at the Institut National des Sciences Appliquées e l'Università Claude Bernard of Lyon (F) in December 1994.

He obtained the equivalence of the Diploma of European Doctorate with the Doctorate of Research by of the Ministry of the Scientific and Technical Research in 1996.

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Scientific and didactic assignments

Contract researcher at the University of Pisa with a National Research Council financing for the planning and realisation of a Semantic Interpreter for the evaluation of semantic views associated to forms in a system for office automation as part of a group of the Finalised Project on Computer science, objective C-NET, to develop the system at the Department of Computer science of the University of Pisa from 1983 to 1985.

Professor of General Computer science at the Industrial Technical Institute Di Negro of Genoa in the a.s. 1983/84, at the State Industrial Technical Institute A Gastaldi of Genoa from 1984/85 to 1996/97 and from 1999/00 till today, at the Professional Institute for the Commerce J. Ruffini of Genoa from 1997/98 to 1998/99.

Contract professor for the integrating course of "Methods of computer aided planning " at the faculty of Architecture of the University of Genoa in 1984/85, 1985/86 and 1986/87.

Scientific collaborator in the researches financed by the Public Ministry of Education/Ministry for Scientific and Technological Research on national and of important interest projects for the development of science in the years: 1984-"Residential decentralisation in the metropolitan area of Genoa", 1985 and 1986-"Environmental necessities in urban planning", 1988-"Methodological and empirical developments of the models for discreet choice", 1989-"The role carried out by the innovation in the consolidation and development of the productive systems in environmental Italy-impact of the technological innovation in Liguria", 1991-"The future of the smaller enterprises in local productive systems: opportunity, challenges policies of accompaniment", 1992 and 1993-"Systems for the intelligent environmental planning".

Scientific collaborator in the searches financed by the Public Ministry Education/Ministry for Scientific and Technological Research on university plans in the years: 1987, 1988, 1989, 1990 and 1991-"CAD and artificial intelligence in territorial and urban sciences", 1993 and 1994-"Intelligent Geographic Information Systems".

Teacher for the matter of "Software Production Techniques" for the course of "Software and Hardware Installers" for students with a high school degree, financed by CEE-FSE - Liguria Region at the Istituto Addestramento Lavoratori of Genoa in 1986.

Teacher in the adjournment course for high school teachers on "C language and the Unix operating system" approved and financed by the Public Education Ministry in 1987.

Teacher for the matter of "Structured programming" for the course for "Automation technicians of production industrial processes" for students with a high school degree, financed by CEE-FSE - Liguria Region at the Istituto Addestramento Lavoratori of Genoa in 1987.

Teacher for the matter of "Unix Operating System" and of "Unix Operating Systems Maintenance" for the course for "Installers and maintainers of base software on minicomputers and local networks" for students with a high school degree, financed by CEE-FSE - Liguria Region at the Istituto Addestramento Lavoratori of Genoa in 1987.

Teacher for the matter of "Xenix Operating System" for the course of "Database systems programmer analysts" for students with a high school degree, financed by CEE-FSE - Liguria Region at the Santi Institute of Genoa in 1989.

Teacher for the matter of "Operating Systems" for the course of "EDP user assistant" for students with a high school degree, financed by CEE-FSE - Liguria Region at the Santi Institute of Genoa in 1989.

Scientific collaborator at the Institute for the Applied Mathematics of the National Research Council of Genoa in the research having for subject "Automatic treatment of abstract objects" in 1989.

Scientific collaborator at the Institute for the Applied Mathematics of the National Research Council of Genoa in the research having for subject "Algebraic specification within the representation of the spatial knowledge" in 1990.

Teacher for the matter of "Unix" for the course of "Expert in computer communication advanced systems" for students with a high school degree, financed by CEE-FSE - Liguria Region at the Santi Institute of Genoa in 1995.

Teacher on the topic "GIS and planning" for the course of "GIS Instruments and City Requalification" within the European plan URBAN, on behalf of GISIG (GIS Interest Group) UETP (University Enterprise Training Partnership) COMETT, member of the Genoa Researches Consortium in 1995.

Teacher for the matter of "Geographic Information Systems: applications, informative contents, technological components" and of "CAD Systems - Microstation" for the course of "Experts in Information Systems for the Territory and the Environment" for students with a high school degree, financed by UE-FSE - Liguria Region at the Santi Institute of Genoa in 1997.

Contract professor of the course of "Programming languages" in the University Diploma on "Geographic Information Systems" of the Polytechnic of Turin for the academic year 1997/98.

Contract professor of the course of "Foundations of computer science" in the University Diploma on "Industrial Design" of the faculty of Architecture of Genoa for academic year 1997/98.

Teacher for the matter of "Geographic Information Systems: applications, informative contents, technological components", "C language" and of "CAD Systems - Microstation" for the course of "Geographic Information Systems developers" for students with a high school degree, financed by UE-FSE - Liguria Region at the Santi Institute of Genoa in 1997/98.

Teacher for the matters of "Guideline to the course", of "Introduction to computer science", of "Foundations of computer science", of "Application of GIS" and of "Data organisation" for the "Experimental post-bachelor specialisation course in Geographic Information Systems" with financing of the Ministry of Work prot. 11659/97 organised by GISFORM in 1998.

Teacher for the matter of "Geographic Information Systems: applications, informative contents, technological components", and of "Cartography and topography" for the course "Assigned to the census of the territorial information" of adjournment for Socially Useful Workers with financing UE-FSE - Liguria Region at the Santi Institute of Genoa in 1998.

Teacher for the matter of "Microstation 95" for the course of "Microstation '95 adjournment" for geometricians professionals with financing UE-FSE - Liguria Region at the Santi Institute of Genoa in 1998.

Teacher for the matters of "Computer science architectures I: Unix" for the course of "System programmer for bank and insurance software products" for students with a high school degree, financed by UE-FSE - Liguria Region at the Santi Institute of Genoa in 1998.

Contract professor of the course of "Foundations of computer science II" in the University Diploma on "Geographic Information Systems" of the Polytechnic of Turin for the academic years 1998/99 and 1999/00.

Teacher for the matters of "Programming principles" for the course of "Advanced software programmer and developer" for students with a high school degree, financed by UE-FSE - Liguria Region at the Santi Institute of Genoa in 1998/99.

Teacher for the matter of "Geographic Information Systems: applications, informative contents, technological components", "C language" and of "CAD Systems - Microstation" for the course of "Geomatic Technicians" for students with a high school degree, financed by UE-FSE - Liguria Region at the Santi Institute of Genoa in 1998/99.

Teacher for the matter of "Computer science methodologies" for the course of "Local Land Manager" for students with a high school degree, financed by POM - Ministry of Work at the ENAIP of La Spezia in 1998/99.

Teacher for the matters of "Territorial and Coastal Information Systems", "Computer science" and "Technical English" for the master of "Expert in Integrated Management of the Coastal Areas" for graduated financed by POM - Ministry of Work at the Provincial Center of Professional Formation "F. Varaldo" of Savona in 2000.

Teacher for the matters of "Computers for the Little and Medium Industry: from Office to Internet" for the updating of the   employees of Erga Multimedia S.r.l. financed by UE-FSE - Liguria Region at Erga S.r.l. of Genoa in 2000/01.

Designer and Teacher for the matter of "Languages and equivalence among languages" for the course for "Integrated Software Developpers" for students with a high school degree, financed by UE-FSE - Liguria Region at the Endform Institute of Genova in 2000/01.

Teacher for the matter of "Vectorized data management and Programming principles" for the course IFTS - Ministery of Public Education in "Rilevamento e gestione dei dati territoriali con uso di nuove tecnologie (GPS - GIS)" per diplomati presso l'Istituto Tecnico Statale Commerciale e per Geometri "In memoria dei morti per la patria" di Chiavari (GE) nel 2001.

Docente per la materia di "Linguaggio HTML" per il corso privato di "Web Master" presso l'Istituto Santi di Genova nel 2000 nel 2001.

Docente per il corso di "Linguaggio di programmazione Java" per gli allievi dell'Istituto Tecnico Industriale Statale A. Gastaldi di Genova organizzato in riferimento al DD.LL 567/96 nel 2001.

Docente del corso di "Informatica avanzata per la Piccola e Media Impresa " per l'aggiornamento dei dipendenti presso la ERGA Edizioni s.r.l. di Genova nel 2001.

Docente per la materia di "Principi di programmazione a oggetti" (40 ore) per il corso di "Programmatore WEB oriented" per diplomati con finanziamenti UE-FSE - Regione Liguria presso l'Istituto Santi di Genova nel 2001.

Docente per la materia di "Javascript" per il corso di "Web Master" per diplomati con finanziamenti UE-FSE - Regione Liguria presso l'Istituto Endform di Genova nel 2001.

Docente per le materie di "Sistemi Informativi Territoriali" e "Microstation" per il corso di "Aggiornamento sui Sistemi Informativi Territoriali (GIS)" per professionisti laureati con finanziamenti UE-FSE - Regione Liguria presso l'Istituto Endform di Genova nel 2001.

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Books and contributions

"L'informatica: strutture, linguaggi, metodologie", Editrice ECIG, ISBN 88-7545-003-X, Genova 1985

"A uniform approach to deduction and automatic implementation", in "Design and Implementation of Symbolic Computation Systems", Lecture Notes in Computer Science n.721, Springer Verlag, ISBN 3-540-57272-4, Bath (GB) 1993.

"Sistemi Informativi Territoriali - Strumenti GIS nella gestione e pianificazione del territorio", Jackson Libri, ISBN 88-256-1172-2, Milano 1997.

Papers and memories

"Architettura di un form processor come nucleo di un sistema per l'automazione di uffici", collana C-net CNR n.110, Pisa, 1983.

"Interpretazione di viste semantiche associate a forme in un sistema per l'automazione di ufficio", collana C-net CNR n.120, Pisa 1984.

"Un modello di comunicazione per la programmazione per esempi in ambienti concorrenti", Rivista di Informatica, vol.15 n.3-4 1985, pp. 221-236, Milano 1985.

"Manuale di riferimento del linguaggio COAL", collana C-net CNR n.150, Pisa 1985.

"Representation of knowledge in urban systems", INSA de Lyon Laboratoire de Informatique Appliquée, n. 5-1990, Lyon (F) 1990.

"ASK-GOA: Genoa Old Architecture. Un sistema diagnostico applicato alla classificazione dei centri storici", Istituto di Progettazione Architettonica, Facoltà di Architettura, Università degli Studi di Genova, Quaderno n.5, Genova 1990.

"ASK (A System Kernel): an expert system to support diagnosis", Istituto per la Matematica Applicata CNR 14/1990, Genova 1990.

"Il sistema MEMO - Manuale d'uso", Istituto per la Matematica Applicata CNR 12/1991, Genova 1991.

"Photopolis Project: Cadaster Updating from Aerial Photos", Institut National des Sciences Appliquées et Université Claude Bernard, Lyon (F) 1991, Vol. 1 e 2.

"Représentation des connaissances pour la mise à jour automatique des systèmes d'information géographique par photos aériennes", Doctorate thesis at the Institut National des Sciences Appliquées, Lyon (F) 1994.

"La gestione territoriale come processo integrato", in "Dal canocchiale alle stelle, strumenti per il nuovo piano", Franco Angeli, Milano 1999.


"Annotation of forms in office automation systems", Proc. 8h Symposium on Computer Science, Sarajevo (YU) 1984.

"Interdisciplinary project from urban and regional planning" Proc. 12th Urban Data Management Symposium, Blois (F) 1987.

"Misura del contenuto informativo relativo ad una struttura territoriale", Atti VIII Conferenza Italiana di Scienze Regionali, Cagliari 1987.

"Expert systems and regional planning: a first prototype for the evaluation of soil stability", presentato al 5th European Colloquium of Quantitative and Theoretical Geography, Bardonecchia 7/9 sett. 1987, Quaderni dell'Istituto di Geologia Università di Genova anno 8 n.2, Genova 1987.

"Prototipo per l'interpretazione automatica della cartografia", Atti del Convegno Siti 88, Genova 1989.

"Bases de données Géographiques et photos aériennes: mise en correspondance et interprétation", Bases de données spatiales, PRC - CNRS n. 1140 Bases de Données, Beune (F) 1992.

"GIS e pianificazione", Relazione introduttiva del Corso Europeo di Formazione COMETT II "Strumenti GIS e riqualificazione urbana" Regione Liguria 26,27/6-5/7 1995, Genova 1995.

"Il progetto di automatizzazione integrata intelligente della gestione del traffico urbano e della flotta di trasporto pubblico dell'Azienda Mobilità e Trasporti di Genova", in Paesaggio Urbano n. 4/5, Maggioli Editore, Bologna 1996.

"I problemi legati all'aggiornamento. Verso l'aggiornamento automatico", in "Strumenti per la Società dell'Informazione G.I.2000. L'Infrastruttura di Informazione Geografica Italiana ed Europea. Processi in atto e scenari di riferimento", atti 7a conferenza AM/FM sezione italiana, 20-21 giugno 1995, Pisa 1996.

"Updating systems, data and knowledge in GIS", atti della Joint European Conference and Exibition on Geographical Information, 16-18 aprile 1997, Vienna (A) 1997.

"Sistemi esperti per l'aggiornamento automatico da foto aerea e l'analisi territoriale nei SIT", in "Le immagini e le informazioni territoriali", atti 1a Conferenza Nazionale ASITA, 30 settembre-3 ottobre 1997, Parma 1997.

"L'applicazione dei GIS nella Difesa Civile", in "Informazioni territoriali e rischi ambientali", atti 3a Conferenza Nazionale ASITA, 9-12 novembre 1999, Napoli 1999.

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Professional jobs

Installation and adaptation of several Unix/Xenix operating systems at the faculty of Architecture of Genoa on DEC PDP 11, the Institute for the Workers Training of Genoa on DEC MicroVAX, the State Industrial Technical Institute A.Gastaldi of Genoa on HP300 and Olivetti M24, the Vebo Fish ltd. of Genoa on Olivetti M80 from 1982 on.

Design and realisation of a graphical Basic interpreter with extensions for the radio-measurement in C for UNIX for the Euratom laboratories of Ispra on behalf of the Delphi company of Viareggio in 1985 and 1986.

Design and realisation of a program for the control and programming of a system of irrigation in multiprogramming in C on MS-Dos for Tecnidro ltd. on behalf of Sigeco ltd. of Genoa in 1987.

Design and realisation of a program for the processing of images acquired through CCD, with presentation and manipulation through AutoCad in C and AutoLisp for the National Institute for Nuclear Physics of Genoa on behalf of Studio Elle ltd. of Genoa in 1988.

Supervision of the development of a system of Home Banking for the San Paolo bank of Torino on behalf of the Eurosystem company of Genoa in 1989.

Supervision of the development of the Network Management System in the context of the European Community project ESPRIT-IACIS, on behalf of the Prisma company of Florence in 1990.

Supervision and development of user interface libraries for the management of windows and menus on the UNIX/XENIX operating system, on behalf of INFOELLE ltd of Genoa in 1990.

Design and realisation of a theorems prover in the algebraic field on behalf of the Genoa Researches Consortium of Genoa in 1992.

Design and realisation of a compiler from a language for the formal semantic calculation to the Prolog language, with interactive interfaces and integration of the system with the other modules written in Prolog, in C and Prolog for the Institute for the Applied Mathematics of the CNR of Genoa in 1992.

Planning and realisation of development system for Diagnostic Knowledge Bases, based on a rule language within the work for the thesis of Doctorate of Research at the Institut National des Sciences Appliquées (INSA) of Lyon (F) from 1990 to 1994.

Development of a knowledge base for the recognition of urban structures from aerophotogrammetry, through the language for the knowledge representation of the Kernel for Systems Expert ASK, within work for the thesis of Doctorate of Research at the Institut National des Sciences Appliquées (INSA) of Lyon (F) in 1993.

Integration of the Kernel for Systems Expert ASK inside the Bentley-Microstation CAD System for the development of an Intelligent Territorial Informative System at the Faculty of Architecture of the University of Genoa in 1996.

Predisposition of the feasibility study relative to the realisation of the project "Liguria Integrated Region" of integration on regional base of Geographic Information Systems of the public agencies and some companies on behalf of Datasiel S.pA in 1997.

Design and realisation of a system for the processing of the data and meta-data relative to University Diplomas of the Italian faculties with treatment of partial and multidefined information for the CARED (Center of Athenaeum for the Educational and Didactic Research) of the University of Genoa in 1997.

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